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Uprofit Trader - My Review


There are many reasons why Uprofit is one of my favorite trading firms. I have traded with Uprofit since 2021 and have never had any issues with them. They have a step 1 and done evaluation. All their accounts are end of day drawdown- it's easier to pass evaluations and stay funded rather than those that have intraday trailing drawdown. Their profit targets are easier to reach on some accounts - for example, the target for their 50K account is $2,500 while Apex's is $3,000. Their customer service is fast and answers questions very quickly compared to others in the industry. I've never had any issues with trading on their platform. They also have an excellent payout system where you can take out withdrawals on day 1. Additionally, if your profit is over the safety net, you can withdraw 100% of the amount over up to your first 8k; if it's below the safety net and under 40 days of trading, then you still can withdraw 50%. They also have some accounts that are limited edition - currently it's the 150k Drawdown killer account. This account doesn't have any trailing drawdown

and the profit target is 5k with a 5k Mass loss limit. The only thing about Uprofit that's a downfall is their cut off time for trading ends sharply at 3:10 PM CST whereas at most other companies all trades should be closed by 3:59 PM CST.

To go for a Uprofit account use my link:



  • You get to keep a 100% of your first $8,000 (above the safety) - PER ACCOUNT 

  • Trade With Multiple Accounts up to 2 max - per email login

  • Only a minimum of 10 days to pass an eval

  • Trade Full-Sized Contracts in Evaluations or Funded Accounts

  • No Scaling or Failing by Going Over Contract Size

  • Great Sized Daily Drawdowns

  • Trade on Holidays

  • No rules against trading during news

  • No Total Cap on Maximum Payout

  • One-Step Evaluation Process

  • Real-Time Data Included

  • Simple Risk Management Rules

  • Payouts Anytime with 

  • They have a consistency rule on Funded of 30% 

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