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Tick Tick Trader - My Review


Tick Tick trader is also in my top 5. They have a really good customer support team and I really like that you can chat live with them anytime. They also have NO minimum trading days requirement to pass an evaluation - once you pass, you can get your funded account that same day! You can also choose many different platforms to choose from, even Jigsaw or Bookmap which are both great for reading tape and trading on DOM. I use Jigsaw and trade it in conjunction with my Tradovate charts which are my personal favorites. Both of these platforms would run you about 700 bucks for a lifetime license but you get them free when you sign up with Tick Tick. All of their accounts are end of day drawdown, so there is no intraday trailing drawdown to worry about. They also have NO consistency rules, so if you have a big winning day, no problem! Take a withdrawal whenever you're past the min trading days. I have done this many times. They do have a minimum of 40 trading days to get to payout, however this is not so bad because once you get past it, you have 3 months of unrestricted payouts at 100% yours to keep. So if you have had some big days, and it's 35k total for example, you can take it all for yourself no worries.   


To go for a Tick Tick Trader account use my link:



  • You get to keep a 100% for 3 Months (above the safety) - PER ACCOUNT - After 40 trading days has been reached

  • Trade With Multiple Accounts - Not sure how many

  • Zero Trading Days to PASS! If you pass in one day

  • you get your Funded account that same day. 

  • There is a Scaling rule but it's very flexible 

  • Great Sized Daily Drawdowns

  • Trade on Holidays

  • No rules against trading during news

  • No Total Cap on Maximum Payout

  • One-Step Evaluation Process

  • Real-Time Data Included

  • Simple Risk Management Rules

  • Payouts Anytime with NO consistency rule - 50/50Payouts if withdrawn in the first 40 days 

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